"be" : forme négative

Gap-fill exercise

Mets les phrases suivantes à la forme négative (contractée) puis clique sur "Check" pour vérifier tes réponses.
1 - Dennis is in his bedroom.
Dennis in his bedroom.

2 - Sue and Betty are at school today.
Sue and Betty at school today.

3 - Your feltpens are under your bed.
Your feltpens under your bed.

4 - My family is from Cardiff.
My family from Cardiff.

5 - I am from London.
I from London.

6 - Sandra is in love with Dennis.
Sandra in love with Dennis.

7 - Max and Bruce are brothers.
Max and Bruce brothers.

8 - Superman is from Pluton.
Superman from Pluton.

9 - Dennis and Julie are in my class.
Dennis and Julie in my class.

10 - My brother and I are football players.
My brother and I football players.